Monday, April 20, 2015

My First 30 Years: 10 Important Life Lessons for Living a Spiritualy Fulfilled and Happy Life

I can't believe two weeks have passed since my last post!
Definitely shows you how made up time is! 

I have had a crazy few weeks and haven't had much time to write, or do anything other than real life stuff...or dream state stuff I should say. 

Anyways, I wrote this originally last month, but never got a chance to finish it until...well obviously now.
I have spent the last few days over thinking my next post. I over think everything, and this week has been the insane cherry on top of the  Half Melted, impossible to eat but still oh so good, Sunday of a year. 

I thought about writing something about my Husband filing for Divorce and getting served the day before my birthday. Or about my child being a thousand miles away experiencing Snow and my Family for the first time without me. But the What I know so Far post beat them both... 

I have always loved numbers. Always. Odd numbers are my preference, with 3 being the best. Or 9. Don't ask me why. I couldn't begin to tell you the answer. It's just always been a weird part of Who I am and what goes on inside my mind.
Because of this I have always looked at certain dates, or arrangements of numbers that are significant to me.
Such as the clock always being at 9:11 when I decide to check it. Or 3:33. .. that's been a normal occurrence my entire life. Constantly waking up at 3:30 am my entire childhood. 

I picked my wedding date based off the same love of numbers. 
I predicted the date my child would be born from looking at the calendar the week before and after her due date by seeing which date most closely related to this love of numbers.... And was right. 

As a child I would often think of cool number patterns in certain dates. One of which was what I would be doing the year I turned 29 on the 29th. 

As a child it seemed so far away. But with each year passing and the gap between my current age and the 29th of my birthday month slipping away, I somewhat forgot about this long remembered childhood thought.... Until the 27th of this year. 

That's right, this year I turned 29 on the 29th. And let me assure you. Absolutely nothing other than being a Mom was correctly predicted all those years.
As a child, then as a teenager,  I would think forward to the last year of my Twenties. I was never one that dreaded getting "old". 
Instead, I attempted to grow up too fast...completely skipping the several year gap from innocent childhood to High School Shenanigans. It was as if I put my American Girl Doll in her four poster mini bed, walked out my parents front door and straight to a party in which I overheard my supposed five best friends talking shhhz about me. Now looking back it was such a silly reason to be so deeply affected. For sure one of those if I could tell myself then what I know now type situations. However, in the pain body of a preteen that never quite fit in , always way too wise beyond her age, spiritually sensitive but totally clueless and self conscious thats simultaneously dealing with an Emotionally detached Mom and suddenly changed Dad of the Century to Never around On the road Dad, such a small event sparked the thought  that closed the book of my childhood and opened to a clean white page of a new one. 

One that wouldn't make sense for 15 or more years down the road. 
I left the party of bad mouthing friends and went to the party across the tracks. In a small town that's the ghetto in case you don't know. And discovered the possibility of escaping my problems using outside sources.

This post isn't meant to be about that night, but that night needed to be described as it marked a shift in my life. Much like the one I find myself going through now. 

The only difference being the 15 years of experience I now have in dealing with insane, floor disappearing, world upside down change. Partly due to life just doing what it does best, but mostly because of the decisions made like the one I made on that night so long ago. Whatever the reason for the gaining of my life experience, at least I gained it. 

Some of the lessons are pretty cliche, somewhat duh worthy of you ask me. However, growing up in such a clouded society in which we teach our children to look both ways, or not talk to strangers but neglect to tell them it's okay to be different, to love yourself more than anything else, or that being compassionate is a necessity, I had to stumble and fall onto almost every one of them. 

I originally hadn't planned on a numbered list, however, that's how it turned out. So without further ado and in order of no importance here are 10 things I've learned thus far :

1. What other people think about me Is none of my business.

Probably one of the most important life lessons to date. I listed it at #1 for a reason even though I just said this list wasn't in any order. The reason being that it was and still is the hardest to master but most profoundly beneficial when accomplished even half the time. When I give people the freedom to love me, hate me, envy me, or not give a crap at all, I remove the power they would otherwise have over my Emotional stability, my self worth, my self esteem, and entire thought process. The Ego strives to have control. Take away the control and you will quickly discover who your soul mates are.

2.  Trust your Soul

God, if there was one thing I could tell my 6 year old self it would be this. Even though it wouldn't guarantee a different life experience, nor does it matter because the past doesn't exist....for the posts sake it does for right now.
I have always had a severely strong, borderline psychic, intuition. But never knew what it was until my late teens, and never truly trusted it until my late twenties.
Our soul is the only thing we've always had, and the only thing we take with us when we leave this world. If I get a feeling about something I listen to it. That's what it's there for. It's only when we are operating from the egoic mind that the feelings of intuition become warped.  But even in those times in my life, I would have been better off listening to that voice in my head over the people around me. As Mya Angelou says When You know better, Do better. And In this area I have. I always trust my Soul.

3. Live YOUR life.

Its your life. Do what cha wanna do. No one can pay the consequences for your life choices. So why Iive your life for something or someone else? If I'm the only one who has to deal with the results of a choice then shouldn't I make that choice? I'm not saying never take risks or create change by any means. And sometimes other people offer great advice and wisdom that definitely should be taken into consideration. You can do anything you want as long as you're willing to pay the piper if needed. 
I spent the majority of my life doing what others thought was best for me to do. And if there was such a thing as regret, it would have Probably led to a bunch of it by the end of the next 30 years. Thankfully, as a direct result of meditation and seeking spirituality, I have overcome my need to people please for the most part. I know what I want my life to look like and I have the right to attempt to make that happen.

4. Don't Sweat the Small stuff...and yes it is really all small stuff.

One of the most annoying cliches said, but also one of the truest. As the above life example shows, not everything is going to stay as big of a deal as I might think in that moment. Sometimes its wisest to chose your battles and let things be. Chances are todays worries are going to end up yesterdays news with no reprinting. Yes I just made a paragraph out of cliche sayings and I like it if I say so myself.

5. To Thine own Self  Be True

Some would say this is a combination of 1,2, and 3... and in a way it is. But the importance of this life lesson is never ending. When I am opperating from a place of Consciousness, and Source. I know in my heart what I should do, when I should do it, and how I should do it. I also have learned to trust my soul (as above mentioned) so if I know these things why would I then chose to still do what I know to not be right for me? Conditioned beliefs and responses, thats why. We are told from the day we met our Parents that we don't know what we need or want and should do as I say not as I do. We live in a Society that thinks saying No or not fitting in is considered wrong. We are taught how to act, what's appropriate tI wear, say, or think. We are immediately fixed into the role we are expected to play before getting a chance to even realize who we actually are. It's only after years of peeling these layers off bit by bit that I have even started to see the I in me. I began to see that I didn't really know what my true self was, much less what it meant to be true to it. Once I began to love and trust my self I began to learn what it is that I personally believed and what that looked like in relationship to my life. 

6. Meditate

Meditation is the proverbial charger as Jerry Seinfield once said. And its so true. A lot of these life lessons are only useable if I am not coming from a place of ego. In order to not come from ego I must come from Consciousness, and in order to come from a place of Consciousness, I need to access that, and to access that I must... you guessed it... Meditate. 

7. Be Present in Parenting

I consider myself extrememly fortunate to have somehow figured this one out when my child was an infant. I have always had an instinctual realization that one day, in the not so disant future, I will miss whatever I wish would stop at the moment. Be it a tantrum, insane day, bath time, etc. I knew one day itd be gone, and Id miss it. So if I'm going to miss it why would I not enjoy it now? 
It's easy to get caught up in life, stress, or other issues. We are, after all, human beings that have a constantly past or future thinking mind.
Children on the other hand only live in the now. 
See how this could cause problems?
Our most important job on this earth is raising our children. They are the next us. They are the true agents of change. What we instill in them will one day be society's views. I don't believe people see this for the responsibility that it truly is. I once read "A mother's heart is her child's classroom". What we hold in our heart is what we pass to our children. Intentionally or unintentionally. We must be mindful of our actions pertaining to our children.
For myself, I actually sat down one afternoon and made a list of the things I think our society could benefit from and then took that list and made a promise to myself to instill these beliefs in my child. One of these beliefs is Being in the Now. The only way I can truly instill this in my child is by setting an example for her. Which is why being present in Parenting is so important. We can't teach mindfulness if we are not mindful ourselves.

8. Spirituality is Personal, so treat it that way.

I came to believe in a Power greater than myself. This sentence saved my life, in more ways than one. I came to believe in a Higher Power not the God in the clouds. This opened up a whole new way of looking at "God" from what I'd previously experienced. God was no longer limited by the definition in my mind that I'd been conditioned to see every time I thought of God. This allowed me to slowly replace that conditioned belief of what God was and is, with one of my own. It is always changing, and always growing, but it is mine. No one elses. And thats okay, and perfect exactly as it is. 

9. Seek God with all your heart and all else will fall into place

As I said before, I use the word God, but not the Dogmatic God, my God. So with that being said, One of the most important life lessons is was realizing by Seeking God I am seeking Consciousness. And in seeking Consciousness I realized I am consciousness and therefore became least sometimes.  And when operating from Consciousness I tend to not screw up, or be an ass hole. Not to mention the peace, love, and gratitude that fills your heart and life once this mindset is achieved. 

10. Be the Change

If I want something done right, I need to do it myself. One might think that's quite an egoic statemenet for something such as Changing the world but it's not, and heres why. If this is my life, my world, and will one day be my childrens world. Why would I leave it up to someone else, who may have a completely different set of beliefs than mine, some of which might be damaging to this planet and our souls. Why would I not take responsibility for my area of the planet and do what I can do to change it for the better? The thing with "Be the Change" is that it's not some global shift of change you are supposed to seek. Its the day to day in my life, the response I give to people, the way I perceive a situation and what I try to do about it that counts. I can't desire a world where LovingKindness, Compassion, and Consciousness are the norm and be an Egoic, Pain Body led, Unconscious Soul can I?
Of course not. In order to change our society I first have to change myself. We can't be mindful and hypocritical. Doesn't work that way.

As I was saying earlier, the night I left that birthday party, I opened a new book in my life, one that didn't make sense until years later. The reasons for that being my own stubborn ways, but also the lack of realizing the most important step of all. Love yourself. As women in this society we are taught to care for everyone else all the time. And if you don't you have something wrong with you. I don't regret anything I have done in my life, it has all been a lesson or a blessing in the grand scheme of things. I do however now look back and realize Loving myself was missing for most of my life. I never thought I didn't love myself, in fact I always had a pretty good deal of self confidence. But it wasn't until recently that I realized they aren't the same. It wasn't until I became a Mom, and learned to trust my soul and do what I knew to be as best that I realized I had just realized what loving yourself actually meant. 

Which brings me back to turning 29 on the 29th.... Another thing I have learned in life, its that if you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans. 
Like I said I was going to write about my Divorce, or my Child, but in reality, those things aren't whats going to change by whats happening in my life right now. I mean sure my marriage is ending. This time two years ago I was a stay at home mom to a beautiful baby girl in a beautiful home with a beautiful Dog in a Beautiful Small Town USA type place. My husband lost his job, I got sick, that all went away, and now I'm divorcing. But I've learned in life that those things must happen in order for the change to occur. As Buddha once said "In order to gain anything, one must first lose everything." 
No one is going to better themselves when they have an easy life. And for whatever reason it seems my life is a karmic race of how many lessons can one person learn. But again, I've also grown to love, and trust even that.

In the process of losing everything I thought I needed in order to live the life I thought I should be living, I realized I gained the life I (I Knew) was supposed to always have.
My 29th Birthday marks a time in my life of change, growth, saddness and loss.  I am divorcing, and not by my decision. I have a chronic illness. Again not by choice. My life looks nothing like it did two years ago. Even the stuff in my life was lost. Again not by choice. 
But, I am happy. By choice. I am grateful for the life I have today. Through suffering I began to realize what was needed and important. At times I had to literally repeat to myself that all the hardships were serving a purpose. I consciously chose to seek God, and Be grateful. it wasn't easy by any means but 
I now have inner peace that surpasses all understanding. And I have love like I've never had before. I have made the choice to consciously acknowledge all of these things. To look at the hardships of my life and learn from them instead of hide from them. I've learned to be sincere with myself and see the truth in a situation. Some may argue that's not the truth, but as I wrote in #1, not my problem. and in #5 I'm true to myself and my God. Anything other than that is not my business and frankly doesnt matter to me.

My Life during my 29th birthday may not be anything like I imagined it would be, but that's ok. If theres one thing I know for sure, its that when life is the hardest, the most beautiful changes occur. it's not my job to figure out what those changes will be. Its my job to trust the process and do whatever it is that's in front of me that needs to be done. 

I have no idea what will happen in my 30s or beyond, or even in five minutes. But I know that as long as I seek God in all that I do, remain grateful for the sunny days and learn from the rainy days I will do just fine. I will have peace and happiness in my soul, and I know that I will find the way. And really I've learned, thats enough. 

What about you? Feel free to join in and share your experience strength and hope! 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Wednesday Word Love: Picture Quotes on Spirituality

Word Love for the week! A Little late but life happens....

Each Picture quote contains a link to its original home. Please take the time to check them out!

To start:
 Probably one of my Top three favorite Ghandi quotes of all time. It's similar to the quote from Nelson Mandela that's also one of my favorites. 

 I'd like to point out that some might see the word ignorant as an egotistical statement, but it's not. 
In Hindu religion, Shiva dances as the Nataraja or King of dancers. Nataraj is shown dancing, with his left foot raised and the right foot on a "dwarf" 'Apasmara Purusha', the personification of illusion/ignorance that Shiva overcomes. The upper left hand holds a flame, the lower left hand points down to the dwarf. This dwarf is said to represent ignorance. As in the little things in life that weigh us stress, jealousy, resentment, unconscious behavior, our pain body. 
Knowing this definition of ignorance, allows me to see the context in which he is using this word, and its definitely not from ego. People that are unconscious or asleep can not process truth that contradicts their reality. It would cause them to have to change the perception of the entire existence....literally. 
When I fully comprehend that statement, and let it sink in for a minute, I begin to see where I should attempt to come from a place of compassion for these people. Imagine the limiting affects that must have on their lives. To be so stuck in your pain body the only way you can cope is by forcing others to be in the same. 
Sometimes people will change or adapt, Sometimes that happens, but most of the time it doesn't. 
Which is why People say the Higher you climb the less oxygen masks there are. You can expect to raise your spiritual vibration and have it match what it did before. Nor can you expect others to get with the program and catch up, regardless of how painful that is. Everything and everyone is exactly as it should be remember? 

Another wise man once said, Forgive them for they know not what they do... This man was crucified for speaking his truth. And knew those that nailed him to the cross were operating from the same place of ignorance Shiva dances on and Ghandi speaks of in this picture, Jesus, also knew this truth. He knew that being himself, and living his truth was so important death didn't scare him.And not because he wanted to die but because he knew there was no death. His beliefs transcended the Physical and spiritual Realms. Imagine having that much confidence in your truth? To be willing to lay down your life before silencing your truth. Pretty profound if you ask me. Probably why there's two holidays for him..  

The next picture quote is one I've held near and dear to my heart for years now. The 165 pages give or take surrounding this sentence has saved millions of lives and glued millions of shattered souls back together. 

After completing the steps to a spiritual awakening, the obvious next step would be to pay it forward. However, because of the spiritual awakening I realize there is no such thing as compartmentalizing in life.

My hand should not be limited to only helping those also trudging the road of happy destiny, but it should be extended to all beings, big and small. I should see the world from a different light. One in which I see to harm myself is to harm the world and to harm the world is to harm myself. 
So, the spiritually responsible thing to do would be to carry my beliefs and principles onto all that I do. I stop to pick up the broken beer bottle from the sidewalk, shoo the bee out the window rather than flatten it, help the woman with six kids open a door or go ahead of me in line. And also in giving myself fully to my daughter even if I'm tired and want to watch the latest trash tv episode I missed. It means treating the world as I would like to be treated and living life on life's terms. It's not easy by any means but it's necessary to the upkeep of my spiritual condition. And one of the major components of this is meditation. Which brings me to the last picture quote for today....

Buddha meditated for 49 days. The words that came to him during this time have stayed with the world since. Imagine that, or at least try to imagine, that if you went into your bedroom from now until memorial day and sat still, that the thoughts you had during that time would be remembered by people for thousands and thousands of years as some of the most pround statements made ever in human history. 
And all you did was meditate. 
Same as you do, same as everyone does. Buddha was no different than you, or I. 

Jesus said "I say into you, he that believes in me, the works that I do he shall do also; and greater works than these shall he do because I go unto my Father." 
*Side Note*
It's so easy to see why this would be misunderstood as to believe IN him not that he meant believe IN WHAT HE IS TEACHING. And the all important lost in translation cones in the changing of "I go unto my Father" to "Because Im going to my Father".Unto and Going to are not even the same thing. Jesus meant that he goes to His source. His source of life. Where he came from.... God. What other words could he have used besides Father to describe such a thing? It's knows as that which can't be spoken after all.

Buddha probably thought "Wonder if this is gonna work" sitting down to meditate for those 49 days. 

And it did, because as Jesus also said "Thy light is thy body, so therefore when thy eye be singular, thy whole body shall be filled with light."Matthew 6:22

Going along with the unintended theme of the day, it seems Buddha too knew the importance of seeking the truth inside each one of us. He also knew how damaging ignorance could be to one's soul. It doesn't seem to matter what religious beliefs you have, the common thread seems to be one of love, inner reflection, loss of ego, and compassion.
Another common thread is the act of Being still. Inwardly and Outwardly still, and in this stillness we are told We'll begin to see the unlimited supply of these things within ourselves and automatically begin to change our perception of the world as a result. Seek and you shall find. If you are seeking spirituality you will find spirituality, in all that you do.
I hope todays Word Love made this Wednesday a tad bit better! Be sure to join in on the discussion! What are some of your favorite quotes? What do you think of these quotes? Let me know!

Friday, April 3, 2015

Monday's Meditation for Spiritual Motivation

I have spent the morning trying to decide which video I wanted to share today. I have mentioned many times already how much I rely on my Meditation Practice to grow and change in life. I didn't and don't always use meditation videos, sometimes following my breath is all I need.
However, there are other times when I thoroughly enjoy using the many different Meditation Modules available to me through the gift that is technology.
One no longer has to travel across the world to a far away ashram and sit in front of the appointed guru in order to become versed in a style of meditation. Thanks to The internet we can simply type what we want to learn in a little box and most likely have more options than we need. In doing this I have collected a playlist of about 100+ different meditations that have been extremely helpful in my own personal spiritual journey as well as my health and healing. I will continue to share these videos with you , and the first one I decided to share is the lovely Third Eye & Crown Chakra Activation Guided Meditation by ManifestoMeditations.
One of my favorites on YouTube! This meditation is roughly 20 minutes but gives the same results of an hour long session. This truly is one of my all time favorite meditations.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Wednesday Word Love

Happy HumpDay! 
I have been collecting a few Picture Quotes to fill your Hump-Day with Happiness. I love a good picture quote. Sometimes its all we need to spark the thought that sparks the trail from dark to light within ones consciousness. Have a wonderful Wednesday, may it be filled to the brim with peace, lovngkindness, compassion and joy! And if it's not, attempt to see the lesson within the difficulty at hand...
One sure fire way to do so is in Meditation. Be Still and seek within yourself the answer. It is there, in the stillness, in the space between thoughts. Always waiting for it's discovery. And upon finding it you'll see the answer is a "Oh, there you are!". Because just as two kids playing hide and seek in the dark, the one seeking knows the other is already there, they just have to find the other beam from the flashlight, the beacon guiding their way. Meditation allows us to find our true Self, the Listener, the Guide. All we must do is be still and trust in its existence. It is not the Answer that is lost, it is the one who seeks the Answer. This is why Obtaining the solution doesn't work, you can't obtain something you already have. Just like a child can't meet a new friend it's already playing with. 

All Pictures listed contain Links to their original home. Feel free to share and comment!

Meditation gets us to this deepest level. 
A wise-man once said "If you want Happiness. First Remove the I, then The want, all that's left is Happiness" The same goes for peace.

Just in case anyone was wondering where this page stands on current world views....

Check out This Picture Quotes Home

A Beautiful Find to go along with the last Om Life Post. See it here

Check Out!
I absolutely love this one! We are the makers of our own misery! Take down the hand, and see the light...It's not as hard as it seems... after all, we are already that which we are seeking to see.

Sarah McCrum FB
Pinterest Find
Personal Responsibility. Its a beautiful thing!

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Spiritual Awakening: Remembering the Forgotten Me

A few months ago I was sitting at my favorite place's monthly Kirtan. When walking in  the socially agreed upon action is to immediately kick off your shoes, grab a shaker of your choice ( a rice filled oblong thing in case you were wondering) and find a spot to call your own for the next two hours.

It almost takes me back to a time of walking into First Baptist Church of where ever we resided at the present moment, sliding into the pew, and singing out of a Biblesque Leather on Sunday Mornings.

However, the silvery blonde haired Sitar player and five Wandering Sadus all dressed in white billowing fabrics that one would only imagine when picturing a tropical beach retreat in some Indonesian island, and twelve peacefully smiling, similarly dressed, on lookers all perched on pillows in an undeniably "they do this all the time" familiar way make sure I know there's a difference.
The most notable being the knowledge that in about 30 minutes if all is done correctly, and by correctly I mean however one feels compelled to,  one won't care about what spot they have to call their own because one will be in the expansion of consciousness, the kingdom of heaven, and fully immersed in the realization of there being no I, no us, no anything, much less a Spot. Instead with a blissful smile, one would be the first to say with a Peace that surpasses all understanding...

We are all the Spot, and the Spot is us.

Don't get me wrong. I absolutely cherish the memories of dragging out of bed every Sunday morning, begrudgingly at times but all the same I got up, and got dressed.. In really pretty dresses hand-smocked by my Mom (yes, hand smocked) and standing next to my Dad and Mom singing age old hymns praising the God that so loved the world he gave his only son (let that marinate, would u give up your son for anything...much less a whole world?).
However the catch was to worship only in a way what didn't bring attention to yourself, or resemble any thing like all consuming, all knowing, peace that surpasses all understanding, the kingdom of heaven is within, worship.... And definitely not dancing....or clapping.
If we are worshiping that which created all living things... shouldn't we be ecstatic about it??
At Kirtan, there's an abundance of happiness felt.

(Side Story)
Every month there is an older lady, who happens to be a Shaman, that also happens to be one of those white billowing fabric adorning on lookers I mentioned earlier. And every month somewhere around Ganesha's Chant she proceeds to put down her Drum, go to the back of the room, and spin in a circle for the next half hour... non stop. Now, one might immediately dismiss this as insanity. But think about it. I don't know about you, but I  cant spin in circles for thirty seconds, let alone thirty minutes! The point of kirtan is to quiet the mind, and  to ultimately reach a meditative state and as some would call an outer body experience... even though its all inner. This woman would probably have way more knowledge in this area than me, after all, she's a Shaman.... but every month, I catch myself staring at her spinning, and spinning, and spinning... and notice that her age has slipped away. She no longer hunches over, she is fluid in her movements, and there is this look on her face. One that would be impossible to describe, but if I tried it would be similar to that of Peace. And I find myself thinking how awesome it must be to be that liberated from all your insecurities, your self doubt, your physical and mental inability, and get up in a room full of thirty strangers, and spin in a circle meditating for a half hour... then I also think How the hell is she not falling over. Seriously tho... a half hour??

Anyways, back to the post....ADHD remember...
So in between chants I emerged from the infinite realm of the meditative mind and immediately my ADHD took over... I use to think my wandering never ceasing to stop mind was a major defect in life. However, I now see the blessings I have received because of it. Things that I have been led to or noticed only because I found myself wandering away from the crowd, or following a thought for way longer than one should. I have started to instinctively notice the little whispers of source that pop up in what others would call a mere coincidence. And have grown to love these instances and most importantly trust them.
Stay with me...
During this break in chanting, I flipped through the song book and came across a translation that read "I didn't know anything, So I remembered you". And in that moment, I literally felt the proverbial light bulb come on.
Of course Awakening isn't something to be obtained. Every time I have taken a step up the ladder of spiritual awareness, there's never been this since of  Learning something new. Instead I have been met with sense of something very familiar. A Cosmic Duh you could say... And if Spiritual Awakening comes from a familiar place, somewhere you remember, then hasn't it always been there?
So how can we obtain something we have already, always, had?

We can't. The only way I can ever have peace, or true happiness, is by realizing everything I need to have these experiences, these things I am told every day I must seek from somewhere other than myself, is by actually searching, discovering, learning, loving, and trusting the Consciousness inside myself. 

I can not look to anything, or anyone to tell me how to obtain these things.

Jesus said " Look here nor there, For the Kingdom of Heaven is Within"

I see more truth in that statement since the start of my Kirtan and Meditation Practice than I ever did in my 22 years of attending an organized religions sanctuary every Sunday. I am somewhat perplexed by that considering the later of the two is the Christian Organization that preaches and lives by the words of Jesus Christ. However it is the absolute truth in my experience. I don't by any means think there are no spiritual experiences that occur in Churches, nor do I mean to say Churches are bad. I am simply saying that in my life, in my experience, reading the words spoken by Jesus Christ after I began my meditation practice was similar to a book being translated from a language you can somewhat read, into your native tongue.

I believe the problem with Organized Religion is it creates separation. Obviously. It creates room for more ego and selfishness to transpire. When in reality the message of every great saint and Jesus Christ, or Allah, or Buddha, or Krishna has been one thing. Love one another, have compassion for everything, and Love God.

It might surprise you to know that my practice in Kirtan and meditation in general has strengthened my love for Jesus Christ. I see JC in a whole new light... Pun intended.

After all he did say. "When thine eye is singular thy whole body shall be full of light"

Sounds legit to me.

A few weeks after this particular Kirtan, I was looking through quotes about spirituality and made this Picture Quote from a paragraph I'd found from an unknown source. I instantly loved it as it was the perfect description of what I was trying to say to a friend about  the earlier song lyrics. Fast-forward another couple of weeks and  I downloaded an Audio book from Adyshanti called "The End of Your World" based off of the suggestion of the same friend I was at Kirtan with and showed the picture quote to. As I was listening to this book I suddenly heard the words being spoken seen in the picture below.

Pretty cool "Coincidence" if I say so.


Thursday, March 26, 2015

A Little Note...

It's a shame to have to announce that I know you know I started this Blog. It is what it is, I've accepted this as the normal for all my social media accounts. Hence everything being public. I have nothing to hide, no crazy pictures posted, just trying to live my life, be a Mom, and Be a better version of myself tomorrow than I was today. If you would like to know something you can ask, if you'd like to pretend this isn't to you and continue on as is, that's fine too. Its your life to live as you want, but the same also goes for everyone else. This is a Blog about my experiences and my beliefs, if they don't match yours, that's okay, but please respect my personal space regardless. Other than that, I hope you like what you read. Namaste

Saturday, March 14, 2015

A Sincere Attempt at a Mindful Life

I love this.

I am fortunate to live next to a hidden gem of a "store" (I use parentheses because its technically a store, but is actually so much more).Every month they release a magazine containing the local events and several interesting articles....and amazing little snippets like the one above.

Every morning I wake up, stretch for about 5 minutes, bring my attention to my breath, get out of bed and make a beeline to the Coffee pot. 
I then sit on my back porch drinking my life giving liquid while simultaneously listening to the birds, wind, and life force waking up all around me. 
Several Mornings ago, I was reading the latest copy of said magazine and found this... And I immediately fell in word love.

I originally planned on only writing about the picture, but it took a detour upon the start of the Morning time discussion... So bare with my ADHD for a moment and then Ill go back to the picture...

Anyway, my morning time...

I love being alone at this time. 

Probably because its the only time I can be.... 

Between the husband, daughter and her adopted Grandpa you can guarantee its a rarity.

I now understand why there are Pictures floating around the social media accounts of Moms everywhere shamefully admitting to hiding in closets to eat candy bars. This is a no judgement zone FYI... I fully condone hiding... Just maybe not to eat Processed Sugar and steal from your kid. 

Something like meditation, reading, napping though is a whole nutha story...and one that can be justified well.

In my Family, it's as if every person in this home has a pre programmed radar for knowing exactly when I am trying to Meditate, Write, or have any kind of quiet time whatsoever. It seriously is creepy...

I often think it must be how a bunch of mind readers feel living together. No one could ever do the passive aggressive roommate crap and claim they had no idea how the last yogurt you dreamed of devouring all Day long mysteriously vanished from its last known location.  

At least I have food in my fridge, a toddler making messes, and beings I can count on around me. Some are not so fortunate...

See.. Theres a silver lining in everything. Which brings me to my next point...

Gratitude works wonders! 

While I'm writing this and complaining about my ever dwindling peace and quiet time, there are people all over this big rock who would give anything for one more day with family or children... Or to experience the miracle of parenting at all. 

And it would really be messed up to not acknowledge the poor souls that cant drink or dont have access to coffee...i mean that may be the worst of it all!  (Seriously tho I'm kidding)

The point is I truly attempt to (remember) to make the conscious decision to be Grateful for the Good in my life, but also the bad. 

Its not always easy, and has taken years to train my Egoic mind to go to Gratitude rather than self pity. And even now I occasionally allow my Ego to take control, but thankfully, my meditation practice and inner reflection helps me to curb it before I am in my bed with the blankets pulled over my head sobbing "Why does everyone hate me?? I DONT DESERVE THIS!! "

... no judgement zone remember..... 

Or flipping out on an innocent a hole just doing what his karmic soul was put here to do. 
Progress not perfection right?

So back to the paragraph in the magazine...
I personally believe 85% of our societys problems can be traced back to three things.

1. We do not believe we are part of an ecosystem. We think we control the ecosystem when in fact no one does, nothing does.  We are the ecosystem, it is us. 

There is nothing wrong with paying attention to nature, respecting said nature and wanting people to have compassion towards all living things. There is also nothing wrong with rolling Down a grassy hill, running around the beach splashing in the waves, or laying on a blanket admiring the clouds or stars above. 

That's what it is there for!

2. We have created a pressure cooker society where the idea of slowing down or not chasing fortune means something is wrong with you. 

We no longer believe happiness is a PERSONAL human right. We have adopted the belief system that unless you become something or have something you can never be happy. And if you don't desire something you've obviously lost your mind.

3. We have completely lost touch with the true nature of our Being. LovingKindness and Compassion has become Ego and self will run riot. We no longer believe in the "it takes a village" mindset. 

Our true purpose is to love and be loved. To love in harmony with one's self and one's surroundings, human or not. We are all the same, and need each other. We are Spiritual Sentient Beings having a Human Earthly Experience, and have amazing abilities both in the physical and spiritual realms. We are eternal and we are divine. 

When humanity is viewed from a Conscious standpoint it is almost impossible to not agree with everything written in this picture.

If happiness is only obtained by going within a society thats based on the idea of only seeking outward is doomed from the start.
Jesus said "Neither look here nor there, for the kingdom of heaven is within ".  I mean that's pretty much said as plainly as possible...yet we continue to think of even Heaven as this obtainable gole, all the while missing the Heaven in each of us at any given moment.

If every person on this Earth gave a 25% effort at living in the manner depicted in the photo above I personally believe we would be amazed before we even realized the change occurred. 

Life is too short, and the state of the world too hard, to not live in LovingKindness... And by living in LovingKindness we can create a life where time is limitless and the world is our caregiver, and we are its. So go do something fun today... enjoy life. Have fun!  Love everything and everyone and attempt to see things as if for the first time in your life. 
And if at 5 pm you realize you forgot, or you had a karmic lesson on Being an AssHole, dont worry... You did exactly what you were supposed to today. Try to see the reasons for todays actions and if need be mediation will bring the answer... Always remember Tomorrow is a redo. Actually, the next second is a redo, because that other cluster of bad seconds before it are already gone forever. Just a Made up thought in your head.

I do not want to look back and regret time being spent on literally meaningless tasks instead of spending it doing something I love, or something that puts me closer to doing something I love. This world is a miracle every day. Being a Mother is my ultimate joy and there is nothing I love better than loving my daughter, taking her on adventures outdoors, showing her this world, showing her life, and most importantly showing her how to interact with both using LovingKindness. Life is Perspective.. We literally have the power to enjoy life however we want, but first we must be the change... 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Life. Now. Om.

The all important first post. 

I wrote one already, a nice introduction to what I want to say...then I found out Blogger doesnt have autosave..........

My ADHD kicked in causing me not to notice my Four year old playing her Talking Tom game while simultaneously pushing my beautifully written post closer and closer to the preverbial fall of deletion over the Unprepared Phone Dying Cliff. 

At one point in my life I would have probably thrown my phone, yelled at my Daughter, and sit pissed off as I frustratingly tried to Recreate the non-recreatable. 

Thank God for Spiritual Awakening...

I have to confess, I did get pissed, but the difference is I didnt BECOME pissed. 
I felt and acknowledged the emotion, letting it float by in the often ignored realm of the conscious mind.
I then put the phone down to come back at a later time. And consciously made the decision to let it go. 

And now, is the later time. 

Nothing, absolutely Nothing, happens in God's world by mistake. 

This is a fundamental life belief I've grown to rely on these past few years, regardless of the difficulty to follow through with what this entails. I dont get to Cherry pick when this is conveniently applied and when Its not. Everything means EVERYTHING. Easier said than done though for sure. 

Sometimes it seems I want to swim upstream and fight the entire universe. 

But thanks to the world ending, eye opening, ego losing, peace flurishing activity I discovered called Meditation, I have become intrinsically aware of this flaw.
And because of the beauty of living in the Now, I can now pull myself back from this conditioned response of having to control the Cause AND Effect of every little aspect of my life. 

Which brings me to some of what my original blog post contained. 

Life. Now. Om. 

I wanted a catchy name, something fun. I like puns, and I wanted the name to symbolize what I want to say (Imagine that... i mean isnt that what everyones blog title is aimed to do).

I came up with Life Now Om. 

Life, obviously because its about my life but in addition to my life, I want to discuss the beauty of discovering living in the Now and the power of the Vibration Om. 
I say Vibration because to say "word" is an insult and "sound" puts a limitation to its true ability. 
Om is the primordial sound, the Alpha and Omega of Mantras and Vibrations so to speak. 

It is the vibration that connects all living life.

Living life in the Now, with the intent of staying true to who I am as a being, both Spiritual and Human is what I believe my Soul should do, what we all should do.

Which is the reason I feel it necessary to share what Ive learned with anyone who will listen. 
The earth will be a better place when Experience Strength and Hope is freely given away for the souls purpose (and soul purpose) of creating a conscious loving global society.

Kinda deep but needed non the less.

So, there you have it, Life Now Om.  

Enough about the name, there is after all the content of the blog that should be discussed. After all, No one comes to a blog to read a never ending story about the Blogs name...thats weird. 

So here it is, hope you enjoy. 

Ive been on this Journey my entire life. 

Until recently I would have said this started 6 years ago, but the further I go, the more I realize thats incorrect. 

I have always been the way I am in this exact Moment. 

Sure, Ive gained experience and wisdom. Maybe some wrinkles. I said MAYBE. 
But the core of my being, the Listener, the voice in my head, the I, has always acted, sounded, and thought the exact same way. 

I talk too much, think too much, speak too loud, too nice, too mean, a people pleaser, anti social. I'm too skinny, tall, bitchy, etc. I shouldnt smoke, shouldnt have "experimented" with opiates, should have gone to college, married BEFORE the baby, married someone without etc. The list goes on and on. 

Until, one day, I was sitting alone in my big house, with my Dog, two cats, Diamond Ring, Two Cars and one pink Covered Perfect, Fat, Gerber Baby sleeping upstairs.
 I had recently taken a trip with my Mother and sister... A Deadly Combo... You have no. I. Dea.
Needless to say it went to hell in a handbasket about four times in the five day trip.  The final freak out leaving me meandering through the Atlanta International Airport for the two and a half hour lay over acting like I had something in my Eye... not crying ....pushing my 1 year old and 50 lbs of baby crap by myself.

Something had to give.

I finally had everything my Family had taught me I needed to be successful in their eyes. I had done it....and yet,  as soon as we were put in a situation where we could finally behave as adults, we were instead shoved into our familiar patterns by our conditioned response to one another.

Except for one small thing, I observed this from Consciousness and altered my behavior accordingly.

This was a first. And no one like it... But me.

So back to the recliner and thinking WTF am I going to do about this.... And, like a lightbulb turning on, it dawned on me. 

I am not the one with the Problem. 

Now most would see this as an egotistical statement. But its not. And heres why-

1. It does not stem from a of anger, resentment, or hatred.
2. I do not believe I am special in any way or different from anyone else. 
3. I believe every person on this Earth would have the same experience if they realized what I realized by this statement. 

The realization was this:
Every single belief and thought I have ever had. Every. Single. One. Has stemmed from someone elses reality.

It may have been an original thought, but that thought can most definitely be traced back to the belief or thought of someone else. 

I spent my entire life listening to everyone else, and trying to please everyone else. Going so far as to accept their false belief about myself as my truth. 

Along the way I would see glimpses of my truth. At times there has been a smack in the face from the Universe when Ive ignored my truth for too long...thats never worked out for me very well... Like ever. 

The reason I ignored it at all goes back to those thoughts from other people. I had allowed other people's False thoughts about who I was and am, become my reality. 

Some may say this realization is second nature to some, and not in fact a realization, but I dont think so. 
I think everyone reads those words, says that statement or knows its the truth, but for some reason compartmentalize it into whatever box their Ego deems fit at that time. 
For myself, coming to this realization seemed to propel me into the dimension of Awakening at a speed I was unaware even existed, much less something I found to be comfortable or easy. 

Its been an insane trip, one that has brought many leasons, blessings, and change my way. 
I may not have been graceful through it all, but I at least tried (and still try) to be grateful. Grateful for the opportunity to grow, for becoming stronger, for all the good things I did have still, and most importantly, the breath I had (and have) at the start and end of each day. 

I finally knew what it meant to be sincere with yourself, to know yourself, and to love yourself. Without judgement or limitations.

At 26 years old I was a clean slate and could put the pieces of who I am back together as I saw them. Not as someone else saw them. 
The freedom of this brought me a peace that surpassed all understanding. My family thought Id gone crazy... They still do. But thats okay, because I also now know what Forgive them for they know not what they do means. 
They dont mean to hurl their false beliefs my way. Its what was done to them, and so on and so on, since the beginning of my family tree... And probably even before that. 
Its not a blame game, its the end of the game itself. And the start of the life I have always known I was meant to live. 

I no longer have anything to prove to anyone. Not even myself. 

I am enough, I am beautiful, and I am a child of God. Knowing this, what exactly is there to change?  Nothing. 

I have no idea what life will bring my way, but I do know I have a daily reprive from insanity (and Ignorance) based on my spiritual condition...and this blog to share my discoveries and rememberings along the way hopefully helping someone as well. After all, to help another is to help yourself. 

So there you have it, the first blog post. I am actually happy the first first post was deleted. This turned out to be completely different than that one, but perfect just the same. Turns put everything does happen for a reason. Its my job to get out of the way....


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